XForms: pixel value & rgb triplet

From: Yann Guichoux (yann.guichoux@ago.fr)
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 09:59:24 EST

  • Next message: Jürg Hauser: "XForms: sscanf strange behaviour"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Yann Guichoux <yann.guichoux@ago.fr> :


    does anyone know the way to get an rgb triplet (from the xforms internal
    colormap) corresponding to a pixel value (obtained with XGetPixel()) ?
    (whatever the visual depth is...(8,16,24,32 bits))
    or to know the color indice in the xforms colormap corresponding to this
    pixel value.
    (there is a fl_get_pixel(FL_COLOR) function...is there a simple way to
    make a "fl_get_colorIndice(unsigned long Pixel)" function ???)

    thanks for any help.

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