XForms: A first trivial patch for xforms 0.9999

From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes (lasgouttes@freesurf.fr)
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 11:53:01 EST


To celebrate the release of xforms 0.9999, I'd like to contribute the
following trivial patch. Currently, setting the %B attribute on a
popup entry resets the PUP_GREY flag. I do not see a reason for that,
especially since %b does not do it.

Should there be some ChangeLog entries?

I for one would like to see the list of changes from 0.89.6 to 0.9999.

On a related note: what is the difference between %d (disabled) and %i
(inactive) for a popup entry? They look very similar to me, and I have
not be able to decipher the differences in the source...


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