XForms: Shared libs

From: spl@ncmir.ucsd.edu
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 09:44:09 EST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@ncmir.ucsd.edu :

I've modified the appropriate `Imakefile's to produce shared libraries,
should you wish to do so. I haven't had time to modify the README to
add instructions on this yet, but it's the same "#define" scheme and should
be pretty obvious. The SONAME for this version is 0.9999.

Again, all of this is provisional, for testing and sniffing purposes
only. While I don't expect much to change for version 1.0 other than
naming and whatever mods TC has in store, I'm not making any guarantees,

I'll talk to my sysadmin about setting up CVS suppositories... er...
repositories over the next day or so. I'll also look into RPMs, FreeBSD
packages, etc., for those who like that flavor.

For the next week I'm going into lurk mode on this list -- our advisory
committee meeting is coming up in about a week and I'll be up to my ears
in demos and last minute development work.

Oh, one last minor twiddle -- I changed the tarball file name to
`xforms-0.9999.tgz' to be more conformant to standard practice.


Share and enjoy.

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