Re: XForms: Today's commits

From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 04:14:50 EDT

  • Next message: "XForms: keyboard entry and threads"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <> :

    >>>>> "Peter" == Peter S Galbraith <> writes:

    >> if not, then the above is all moot. When we release something
    >> official, we'll most certainly up the soname.

    Peter> Just to be clear, that should only be done when the programming
    Peter> interfaces change (new function added to library or arguments
    Peter> to old ones have changed). That forces a re-compile of all
    Peter> binary packages that link to XForms.

    Which part of the soname should be up-ed? I though that it was
    something like

    - increase minor number: old programs will still run, but there are
      new functions for new programs

    - increase major number: all programs should be rebuilt.

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