[XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?

Jeff wd4nmq at comcast.net
Fri Apr 2 11:38:04 EST 2004

I'll put together a quicky threaded app later today when I get a chance.
It will just be a clock. The form will display the time while the thread 
will do the actual time functions and send the time for display via a 
client message. That ok?


Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>To subscribers of the xforms list
>>>>>>"Angus" == Angus Leeming <angus.leeming at btopenworld.com> writes:
>Angus> To subscribers of the xforms list
>Angus> On Thursday 01 April 2004 2:41 am, Jeff wrote:
>>>XInternAtom() is used to set the atom ID and must be called to set
>>>an atom BEFORE client messaging can be used. XSendEvent is used to
>>>send the event.
>>>Now, do we want have a user use the raw X lib calls, or encapsulate
>>>them in an fl_*? Like:
>>>Atom fl_intern_atom(FL_FORM *form, char *atom_name, Bool
>Angus> Would wrapping the X lib call give the user anything other than
>Angus> a familiar fl_... ? If not, then I guess that we should use the
>Angus> raw X lib call.
>Well we could forget about the notion of atoms.
>However, I do not know how these atoms are used in real life...
>Angus, I do not think that there is any place in xforms where you need
>to manipulate X objects to use a feature. Hmm, let's grep in
>forms.h... OK, there are fl_XNextEvent and its friends, but I do not
>know how common it is to use them.
>Angus> Could you give us an example of all this in action. It's hard
>Angus> to make any meaningful statements without some code.
>Actually, it would be nice to have a demo program for the client
>message feature. 
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