2004 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jan 2 17:17:43 EST 2004
Ending: Wed Dec 29 12:01:16 EST 2004
Messages: 724
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jürg Hauser
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jürg Hauser
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jürg Hauser
- [XForms] Crash in fl_check_forms
Luis Balona
- [XForms] Crash in fl_check_forms
Luis Balona
- [XForms] FL_NOBORDER forms and sawfish
Natalia Crespo
- [XForms] FL_NOBORDER forms and sawfish
Natalia Crespo
- [XForms] inactive objects receive focus
Alexey Dejneka
- [XForms] inactive objects receive focus
Alexey Dejneka
- [XForms] So, what now?
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] So, what now?
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] fl_check_forms (from Matthew Yaconis)
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] fl_check_forms (from Matthew Yaconis)
Todd Denniston
- [XForms] XForms for production code
Gerald Emig
- [XForms] XForms for production code
Gerald Emig
- [XForms] xforms on windows?
Dirk Evers
- [XForms] xforms on windows?
Dirk Evers
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] once more about popups
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] once more about popups
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] fl_check_forms (from Matthew Yaconis)
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] fl_check_forms (from Matthew Yaconis)
laurent FOURNIER
- [XForms] xforms downloads on savannah
Peter S Galbraith
- [XForms] xforms downloads on savannah
Peter S Galbraith
- [XForms] XForms Manual in HTML link is dead
Peter S Galbraith
- [XForms] XForms Manual in HTML link is dead
Peter S Galbraith
- [XForms] RE: xforms - a GUI toolkit for X
Michael Gleicher
- [XForms] RE: xforms - a GUI toolkit for X
Michael Gleicher
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] How to tell my computer he should use a spezified version of xforms?
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] How to tell my computer he should use a spezified version of xforms?
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] How to tell my computer he should use a spezified version of xforms?
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] How to tell my computer he should use a spezified version of xforms?
Bernd Hahnebach
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jürg Hauser
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jürg Hauser
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jürg Hauser
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Mike Heffner
- [XForms] Xforms text editors
Mike Heffner
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Mike Heffner
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Mike Heffner
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Mike Heffner
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Mike Heffner
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0 LGPL
Richard Hughes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0 LGPL
Richard Hughes
- [XForms] Test message
- [XForms] Where is xforms?
- [XForms] Anybody alive out there?
- [XForms] Threads and events
- [XForms] FL_EVENT and it's use
- [XForms] Window id in a form
- [XForms] ClientMessage handling change?
- [XForms] Maintainers?
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
- [XForms] Redone client callback
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
- [XForms] [ANNOUNCE] XForms 1.0.90
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
- [XForms] making diff file
- [XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?
- [XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?
- [XForms] client event sample application
- [XForms] Where to put forms.h changes
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
- [XForms] Patch help
- [XForms] Patch help
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
- [XForms] Next release of xforms with client message included?
- [XForms] Next release of xforms with client message included?
- [XForms] More robust XPM checking patch
Hans J. Johnson
- [XForms] More robust XPM checking patch
Hans J. Johnson
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Dmitry Karasik
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Dmitry Karasik
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] So, what now?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Anybody alive out there?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Anybody alive out there?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] FL_EVENT and it's use
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xform and shape extension
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0 LGPL
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] FL_EVENT and it's use
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xform and shape extension
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0 LGPL
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [Laurent Fournier] Re: XForms: [again] pup interaction bug?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [Laurent Fournier] Re: XForms: [again] pup interaction bug?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [Laurent Fournier] Xforms : popup menus
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [Laurent Fournier] Xforms : popup menus
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] 64 bit Opteron compile of xforms 1.0?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] ClientMessage handling change?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Can't build xforms
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Maintainers?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] 64 bit Opteron compile of xforms 1.0?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] ClientMessage handling change?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Can't build xforms
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Maintainers?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Maintainers?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Maintainers?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Trying to go ahead
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Redone client callback
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [ANNOUNCE] XForms 1.0.90
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] More robust XPM checking patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Trying to go ahead
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Redone client callback
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [ANNOUNCE] XForms 1.0.90
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] More robust XPM checking patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [ANNOUNCE] XForms 1.0.90
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] making diff file
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [ANNOUNCE] XForms 1.0.90
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: Xforms : popup menus
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] making diff file
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Fix valgrind warning
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Fix valgrind warning
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Resurrecting an old patch for slider.c
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Resurrecting an old patch for slider.c
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.90 pre-release
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.90 pre-release
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] configuration fixes
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] configuration fixes
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] FL_NOBORDER forms and sawfish
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Re: once more about popups
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] FL_NOBORDER forms and sawfish
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch]: squash valgrind warning about possible memory leak.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch]: squash valgrind warning about possible memory leak.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] The NT directory
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] The NT directory
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Committed patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Committed patch
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Re: Makefile problem in xforms-1.0.90.tar.gz
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [PATCH] Re: Makefile problem in xforms-1.0.90.tar.gz
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xforms on windows?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xforms on windows?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: Fwd: xform 0.88; undefined reference to `errno'
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: Fwd: xform 0.88; undefined reference to `errno'
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] can't find file
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] can't find file
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] can't find file
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] can't find file
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Problem linking w/ xforms
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Problem linking w/ xforms
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Next release of xforms with client message included?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Next release of xforms with client message included?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms for production code
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] XForms for production code
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Ghost popup menu behavior.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Ghost popup menu behavior.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] RE: xforms - a GUI toolkit for X
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] RE: xforms - a GUI toolkit for X
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- [XForms] Re: XForms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: XForms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: XForms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: XForms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] So, what now?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] So, what now?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] So, what now?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] So, what now?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] So, what now?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] So, what now?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fwd: Software using xforms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fwd: Software using xforms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Maintainers?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Maintainers?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Trying to go ahead
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] making diff file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] making diff file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Adding more calls to support fl_register_client_callback()?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to put forms.h changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to put forms.h changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Resurrecting an old patch for slider.c
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Resurrecting an old patch for slider.c
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.90 pre-release
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.90 pre-release
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xforms downloads on savannah
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xforms downloads on savannah
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch]: squash valgrind warning about possible memory leak.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch]: squash valgrind warning about possible memory leak.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Enable FL_FREE objects to optimize their drawing
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Enable FL_FREE objects to optimize their drawing
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Enable FL_FREE objects to optimize their drawing
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Double clicking doesn't work in file selectors
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] The NT directory
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] The NT directory
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Enable FL_FREE objects to optimize their drawing
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Double clicking doesn't work in file selectors
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] An improved slider patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to change forms.h?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] The NT directory
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] The NT directory
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] XForms text rendering bug patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] An improved slider patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Committed patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Committed patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Committed patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] rpm spec file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Committed patch
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] rpms are not quite right
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] rpm spec file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] One more piece of rpm magic needed
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] sliders and counters
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Crash in fl_check_forms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Crash in fl_check_forms
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] fl_replace_xyplot_point_in_overlay
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] fl_replace_xyplot_point_in_overlay
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Adding source files to fdesign.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] self-contained glcanvas.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Adding source files to fdesign.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] self-contained glcanvas.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] libtool version number
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] API regression to flimage.h on 64 bit machines since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] API pseudo changes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms 0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms0.89
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Xforms-cvs post from emails at hahnebach.com requires approval
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fwd: xform 0.88; undefined reference to `errno'
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Xforms-cvs post from emails at hahnebach.com requires approval
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fwd: xform 0.88; undefined reference to `errno'
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Fwd: xform 0.88; undefined reference to `errno'
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Fwd: xform 0.88; undefined reference to `errno'
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Where to add entry for forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] [patch] fdesign output
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] pathc to add client message callback
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] What does this 'ugly hack' do?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] version 1.0.90 regarding forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] version 1.0.90 regarding forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] What does this 'ugly hack' do?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Building xforms library (1.0.90)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] version 1.0.90 regarding forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] version 1.0.90 regarding forms.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] How to tell my computer he should use a spezified version of xforms?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Building xforms library (1.0.90)
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] How to tell my computer he should use a spezified version of xforms?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] can't find file
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fl_set_font_name() verbiage
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Fixing the popups?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] missing #include in glcanvas.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] missing #include in glcanvas.h
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] incorrect reporting of mouse (XEvent) status to post-handler
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] incorrect reporting of mouse (XEvent) status to post-handler
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Version 1.0.90
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Version 1.0.90
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fdesign
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Setting FL_CHOICE colors.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fdesign
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Setting FL_CHOICE colors.
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Source for .89.5
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Source for .89.5
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] building on OpenVMS
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] building on OpenVMS
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.9 on VMS
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.9 on VMS
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] saving to file and then redirecting to another page
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Next release of xforms with client message included?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] saving to file and then redirecting to another page
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Next release of xforms with client message included?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Resizing forms rapidly
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] Resizing forms rapidly
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] trapping "close window" desktop manager button?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] trapping "close window" desktop manager button?
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
Angus Leeming
- [XForms] 64 bit Opteron compile of xforms 1.0?
Lawrence M./ Lifshitz
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Paul McNary
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Paul McNary
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Paul McNary
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Paul McNary
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Paul McNary
- [XForms] Xforms 1.0.x on Openserver 5.0.7
Paul McNary
- [XForms] saving to file and then redirecting to another page
Ankur Mittal
- [XForms] saving to file and then redirecting to another page
Ankur Mittal
- [XForms] fl_show_fselector
Dimas Martnez Morera
- [XForms] fl_show_fselector
Dimas Martnez Morera
- [XForms] Can't build xforms
James Ng
- [XForms] Can't build xforms
James Ng
- [XForms] None
- [XForms] None
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
Florian Oszwald
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
Florian Oszwald
- [XForms] Re: Thanks :)
- [XForms] Re: Thanks :)
- [XForms] Re: Thanks :)
- [XForms] Re: Thanks :)
- [XForms] Re: Thanks :)
- [XForms] Re: Thanks :)
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Trent Piepho
- [XForms] Client Message handler success.
Trent Piepho
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Trent Piepho
- [XForms] Trying to get a handle on libtool's versioning system
Trent Piepho
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms0.89
Trent Piepho
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms0.89
Trent Piepho
- [XForms] xform and shape extension
Jeff Pierce
- [XForms] Xforms: incorrect reporting of mouse (XEvent) status to post-handler
Ivan Powis
- [XForms] Xforms: incorrect reporting of mouse (XEvent) status to post-handler
Ivan Powis
- [XForms] incorrect reporting of mouse (XEvent) status to post-handler
Ivan Powis
- [XForms] incorrect reporting of mouse (XEvent) status to post-handler
Ivan Powis
- [XForms] Source for .89.5
Ivan Powis
- [XForms] Source for .89.5
Ivan Powis
- [XForms] missing #include in glcanvas.h
Rouben Rostamian
- [XForms] missing #include in glcanvas.h
Rouben Rostamian
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] OpenVMS version of xforms
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.90 pre-release
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.90 pre-release
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] version 1.0.90 regarding forms.h
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] version 1.0.90 regarding forms.h
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Building xforms library (1.0.90)
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Building xforms library (1.0.90)
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] can't find file
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] can't find file
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Wrong dirent header file?
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Wrong dirent header file?
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Version 1.0.90
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Version 1.0.90
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] fdesign
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] fdesign
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Problem linking w/ xforms
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Problem linking w/ xforms
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] OpenVMS application
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] OpenVMS application
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Source for .89.5
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Source for .89.5
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] building on OpenVMS
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] building on OpenVMS
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.9 on VMS
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.9 on VMS
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.9 library
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] xforms 1.0.9 library
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Problem showing forms
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Problem showing forms
Gayle C Roth
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
David Scriven
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
David Scriven
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
David Scriven
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
David Scriven
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Double clicking doesn't work in file selectors
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Double clicking doesn't work in file selectors
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Double clicking doesn't work in file selectors
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Re: [PATCH] Double clicking doesn't work in file selectors
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] strange message from app using xforms-1.0.2
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Anybody alive out there?
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Anybody alive out there?
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Xforms 0.89 documentation available in postscript form
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Catching up on patches
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] subpixel sampling in image scaling - does it work?
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] subpixel sampling in image scaling - does it work?
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] trapping "close window" desktop manager button?
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] trapping "close window" desktop manager button?
Michal Szymanski
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] Figuring out a windows state
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
Jens Thoms Toerring
- [XForms] xforms downloads on savannah
Philip A. Viton
- [XForms] xforms downloads on savannah
Philip A. Viton
- [XForms] Subscribing to Xforms
Robert Williams
- [XForms] Possible problems with list subscriptions
Robert Williams
- [XForms] Possible problems with list subscriptions
Robert Williams
- [XForms] fl_check_forms
Matthew Yaconis
- [XForms] fl_check_forms
Matthew Yaconis
- [XForms] fl_check_forms (from Matthew Yaconis)
Matthew Yaconis
- [XForms] fl_check_forms (from Matthew Yaconis)
Matthew Yaconis
- [XForms] Redone client callback
T.C. Zhao
- [XForms] Redone client callback
T.C. Zhao
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch: GLCanvas context sharing support.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Adding source files to fdesign.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch: Context Sharing + fdesign (real thing)
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch: Off-screen GLXContext in context sharing pools.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms0.89
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Genuine API changes to forms.h, glcanvas.h since XForms0.89
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Patch help
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
jason cipriani
- [XForms] dot vs. comma (0.88 vs. 1.0.x)
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Shared GL contexts
jason cipriani
- [XForms] missing #include in glcanvas.h
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Setting FL_CHOICE colors.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Setting FL_CHOICE colors.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] fl_get_glcanvas_attributes
jason cipriani
- [XForms] FL_NoColor?
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Problem linking w/ xforms
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Moving towards 1.1?
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
jason cipriani
- [XForms] strange side effect of fl_initialize()
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Showing an fselector on top of a fullscreen window.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Showing an fselector on top of a fullscreen window.
jason cipriani
- [XForms] None
jason cipriani
- [XForms] None
jason cipriani
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
dadembro at rockwellcollins.com
- [XForms] Ghost popup menu behavior.
dadembro at rockwellcollins.com
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
drriddle at mac.com
- [XForms] xyplot patch, OS X compatibility
drriddle at mac.com
- [XForms] Re: Moving towards 1.1?
dadembro at rockwellcollins.com
- [XForms] Ghost popup menu behavior.
dadembro at rockwellcollins.com
Last message date:
Wed Dec 29 12:01:16 EST 2004
Archived on: Wed Dec 3 12:06:41 EST 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).