Re: XForms: BUG in fl_xyplot_s2w when double buffering

Dr. T.C. Zhao (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 19:36:49 -0500

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Dr. T.C. Zhao" <> :

from Ivan Powis <> :

>fl_set_object_dblbuffer(xyplot[3], TRUE);
>into main() for DEMOS/xyplotall.c, and then look at the oneline
>readout which is posted when depressing a mouse button in the
>appropriate xyplot. The returned world values appear to have acquired
>an offset compared to the visual location of the mouse cursor.

This is indeed a bug and will be fixed. In the
mean time, you probably can do something like
fl_set_object_dblbuffer(xyplot, FL_INCLUDE_VERSION > 86)
to minimize code change.

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