XForms: default colors

Danny G. Holstein (danny@holstein.tritonetd.com)
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 10:18:06 -0500 (EST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Danny G. Holstein" <danny@holstein.tritonetd.com> :

To list:

Is there an easy way to redefine the standard greys that xforms uses? I know

fl_set_icm_color(FL_DARKTOMATO, 95, 158, 160);

but instead of laying out the GUI with dummy colors that I redefine later I'd
like to simply redefine the greys (it makes designing the GUI with fdesign much
faster). The best of everything would be the ability to redefine the standard
greys with Xresources or a command line switch.

The motivation is simple, while I generally like the layout of my programs, some
users don't appreciate my good taste. If I stick with the defaults, no one
complains but no one really likes them either.

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