Re: XForms: window activation on mouse click/move

Simon (
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 11:55:14 -0500

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Simon <> :

With the keywords in your reply I found the reason for my problem.

The reason is the FL_NOBORDER-Initialization in fl_prepare_window-
calls for some forms used in subwindows. This forms are invisible at
and are later used for setup-purposes, but I need a window-ID for
pixmaps in these forms.

I used the FL_NOBORDER-Type to prevent the user from hiding the
selected setup-form by clicking in another form area. When the
form is visible, the user should only be able to leave it by the
EXIT- or QUIT-Button on this form.

With the FL_TRANSIENT-Type I get the behaviour I want, but on
the cost of a decoration border, which I wanted to avoid, because
I have very limited space on my main form.

Best regards, Th. Simon
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