Re: XForms: fl_set_object_helper() behaviour

j.w.c.a. lokin (
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 11:16:50 +0100

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "j.w.c.a. lokin" <> :


On the subject of the tips, and since you ask for suggestions:

- Could you consider an interface for disabling/enabling tips
at the form or application level.

- In the vein of the preceding discussion, I can imagine a use
for tips with non-control objects, e.g text. My application
uses text for various readouts, and it would be handy to use
a tip for some additional info on the value displayed.

- I have noticed that the text in the tip box is centered. My
personal preference would be to have it left aligned.

- It would also be nice to be able to constrain the width of the
tip box and have some basic word wrapping.

- My Sparc/Solaris 2.6 box (with olvwm) has problems with tips at
the very bottom of the screen. It seems that two competing
mechanisms are trying very hard to both get their own way in
where they want the tip displayed, resulting in heavy flicker
and little readability.

-+- Jan Willem Lokin -+-
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